Rate Setup Examples

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Here are some step-by-step examples to get you started setting up your own rates.  For technical details refer to the previous sections.


The examples below assume you still have the default pick lists, as seen in the demo or a new database -- naturally if you've changed the pick lists for Transaction Categories, Site Types, or Discounts, or if you've changed the available Reservation Attributes, then your choices may be different.  In fact we do recommend changing those Pick Lists to reflect your needs -- so do that first before setting up your rates.  In particular, check the Transaction Categories pick list to see if it covers all of the things you need (e.g. you may want separate categories for RV rent vs. Cabin rent, or you may need to add a Seasonal category, etc.)


For each example, it's assumed that you're already in Maintenance / Park Setup / Rates.




Here are the step by step examples available:


Basic Daily Rate


Weekly and Monthly Rates


Monthly Pro-rate


Add-on for 50A service


Add-on for Extra Adults, Children, etc


Discount for Good Sam


Weekend vs. Weekday Rates


Special Season or Holiday Rates


Special Reservation Types


Seasonal Stays


Rates for Fixed Fees


Merchandise Rates


Electric Meter Rates (also Water and Gas Meters)




Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/help/ratesetupexamples.html

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