Articles by Category

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The articles below are from the newsletters available prior to this software release -- please Click Here for the current index of articles available on our web site.


Setup & Configuration

 Adding E-mail and phone information to receipts

 Adding notes to the Ticket Form receipt

 Adding options like 50A to New Reservations

 Automatic capitalization of names

 Changing access levels for Tab Views

 Changed field name but dialog label didn't change

 Changing customer field names

 Changing tax rates

 Changing the access level for printing tab views

 Changing the colored weekend columns on the Rack

 Changing the Check-In and Check-Out times

 Changing the default reservation type

 Changing vehicle field labels

 Deleting old Operators

 Disabling "Delete" for reservations

 Disabling the login prompt

 Disabling the meter reading options (reports)

 Easily blocking sites for multiple days

 E-mail Confirmation letters - adding clickable web links

 E-mail Confirmations - error replies

 Export to Web, fixing the Park name

 Having 2 different check-in or check-out times

 Hiding some sites from the Rack

 How to set up a Map (a brief overview)

 IC Verify issues -- read this if you use IC Verify for credit card processing!

 Increasing rates for next year

 Making multiple dates unavailable at once

 Map Setup - Using the Fill site status indicators

 Marking sites for special use

 Meters - Handling different numbers of digits

 Notice message on ticket form - guest signature cut off

 Optimization for busy POS environments

 POS, Cleaning up POS inventory On-Hand values

 Rates Setup - 2-night minimum for weekends

 Rates Setup - Changing rates for the new year

 Rates Setup - Changing to new rates, for reservations *made* after a certain date

 Rates Setup - Different rates by rig size

 Rates Setup - Examples

 Rates Setup - Fixed Charge in Addition to Per-unit Merchandise Rate

 Rates Setup - Grandfathering current reservations

 Rates Setup - Holiday rates (Season vs Special dates applicable)

 Rates Setup - Per-person camping rate

 Rates Setup - Proper Rates order for Auto-Rates

 Rates Setup - 7th day free

 Rates Setup - Setting up rates for 50A

 Rates Setup - Special add-on charges

 Rates Setup - Special-case rates

 Rates Setup -- Special case rates using a Reservation type

 Rates Setup - Will changes affect previous transactions or reports?

 Rates to charge extra for 1 adult and 2 children

 Renaming/re-using numeric reservation fields

 Receipt printer and Cash Drawer setup

 Showing more dates in the Rack

 Showing the unpaid status on Map indicators

 Site Setup - Blocking sites for many days at once

 Site Setup - Rearranging sites on the Rack

 Site Setup - Can I show "Room" instead of "Site"

 Site Setup - Storage Sites (multiple at once)

 Site Types - Changing "Normal RV", etc. to something else

 Synchronize your Time Zones


Advanced Customization Examples

 Adding "Due Back By" on custom receipts

 Adding # of Nights to the On Site tab view

 Adding a column to the Rack view

 Adding a custom "Thank You" message on receipts

 Adding a logo to E-mail confirmations

 Adding a logo to your receipts

 Adding a "Print CC Slip" button to Transactions

 Adding check-date fields to dialogs

 Adding custom pick-lists to dialogs

 Adding fields to the Arrivals tab view

 Adding new fields to the Customer Details dialog

 Adding right-click menu items for +1W and +1M

 Adding special reservation validations

 Automatic Backup each day to a new location

 Automatic logout after 10 minutes

 Automatic logout after 10 minutes (revisited)

 Changing a reservation's color if there's a note on it

 Coloring the Rack dates for holidays

 Color-coding the Sites on the Rack

 Color-coding Reservation Types (revisited)

 Color-coding Sites dirty, Work order or Journal entry

 Color coding special reservation types

 Coloring empty sites for holidays and site types

 Credit Cards, Adding 3% Surcharge

 Customer E-mail Receipts

 Duplicating Reservations for Next Year

 E-mail confirmations with transaction detail (Prior to v9.1)

 E-mail forms -- long text not wrapping

 E-mail confirmations -- putting the customer name in the Subject

 E-mailing a cancellation letter

 E-mailing a thank-you letter

 E-mailing a thank-you letter, cancel notice, etc.(Prior to v9.1)

 Enforce 3-day holiday weekend reservations

 Enlarging the Transactions dialogs

 Expression text parsing change in version 4.2

 Forcing How-heard to be filled in

 Forcing Reservation fields to be filled in

 Forms, Importing a 2-up Ticket Form

 Importing a 2-up Ticket Form

 Inventory report with total cost/value

 Keeping operators from closing the program

 Query : customers excluded from E-mail

 Query for Arrivals filtered by Resv Type, etc

 Rates based on Rig Type

 Rates based on starting day

 Rates based on linked reservations

 Rates for last-minute reservations

 Removing information from receipts

 Reporting average nights stayed

 Reporting Site Income Per Day

 Reporting the number of people in the park

 Reporting Unmatched Security Deposits

 Showing a "Rules" prompt when making a reservation

 Showing Customer Details during Check-in

 Showing Reservation Details before check-in

 Showing Reservation Notes upon Check-in

 Showing Yes/No on a Query instead of .T./.F.

 Work Order Printable Form



Reservations & Customers

 Adding charges when a reservations is made

 Adding options like 50A to New Reservations

 Adding special reservation validations

 Alphabetical listing of all customers

 Applying customer credit balances to reservations

 Are you using right-click effectively?

 Automatic capitalization of names

 Automatically selecting appropriate sites

 Availability Based on Pets (or other special cases)

 Canceling after check-in

 Canceling after Checked Out

 Cancelled reservations, finding and listing

 Carrying the Rack dates into New Reservation

 Changing a reservation's color if there's a note on it

 Changing a reservation's text on the Rack

 Changing sites (not showing all available)

 Changing the customers in group reservations

 Changing the default reservation type

 Changing the First Night after check-in

 Changing to a non-synchronized linked reservation

 Checked out reservations -- changing back to checked in or changing the last night

 Checked out reservations -- why disappearing from the Rack?

 Checking out a customer with a balance

 Checking out all at once (older versions)

 Checking out all at once -- version 6 and later

 Checking out and doing transactions at the same time

 Checking out early (without a refund)

 Checking out - faster ways

 Checking out - Handling reservations with a balance due

 Checking out with a balance

 Clearing a site due to early departure

 Creating split reservations on separate sites

 Customer E-mail address list (for mass mailings)

 Customer E-mail Receipts

 Different color on the Rack for owners when they're here

 Disabling "Delete" for reservations

 Discounts, special one-time discounts

 Discounts, using discount fields for other things

 Duplicating Reservations for Next Year

 E-mail confirmation requires an extra step to select a form

 E-mail confirmations with transaction detail

 E-mailing a thank-you letter, cancel notice, etc.

 Entering credit card security codes

 Entering a new credit card for a customer

 Filter available Sites by Rig Type

 Find and fix reservations with missing How Heard information

 Fixing messed-up Reservation Splits

 Fixing the order of transactions

 Forcing Reservation fields to be filled in

 Guarantee Info missing the CVV entry field

 Handling a Temporary Stay on a "storage" Reservation

 Handling non-site rentals like storage

 Handling seasonal campers

 How to find a reservation by phone number

 Keeping Customer Notes separate from Reservation Notes

 Keeping deposits or extra payments for next year

 Linked Reservations - Adding multiple sites as non-synchronized

 Linked Reservations - Deleting some sites from a group

 Linked Reservations - Linked members staying different lengths of time

 Linked Reservations - turning off reservation linking

 Linked reservations, Unlinking a reservation

 Looking up customers by phone number

 Making a new reservation that moves during the stay

 Making use of sites when the annual leasor is away

 Marking sites for special use

 Meter readings, correcting a previous entry

 Moving sites without splitting

 Multiple units/groups on one site

 New Reservations -- quickly selecting dates with click-drag

 "No Site" cells on the Rack

 "No Site" - Getting rid of "No Site" for Waiting Lists

 Notes fields - how long are they?

 Notes - Keeping Reservation Notes separate from Customer Notes

 Online Reservations - Changing "My Park" on the web vacancy grid

 Online Reservations - Comments about why to use it

 Online Reservations - Integrating vacancy grid with web forms

 Online Reservations - Norton Internet Security issues

 Online Reservations - Web form example

 Owners can't be checked in

 Paid-through dates for free stays

 Phone number on "Find Customer" results

 Preventing reservations on past dates

 Rack is starting on an old date

 Recording a customer's credit card information

 Renaming/re-using numeric reservation fields

 Reporting reservations made during a period this year vs last year

 Reservation shows unpaid (red) on the Rack

 Retrieving credit card information

 Rig Size is not limiting the sites shown

 Searching by Confirmation number

 Selecting a Handicapped site for a reservation

 Selecting a site by typing the site number

 Selecting sites by rig length

 Showing a "Rules" prompt when making a reservation

 Showing Reservation Details before check-in

 Showing Reservation Notes upon Check-in

 Software for E-mailing to your Customer List

 Split Reservations - re-combining

 Split reservation receipts, showing the wrong site

 Split reservations - Fixing an incorrect split

 Split reservations - Fixing lost transactions after a split

 Split reservations - How to un-split a reservation

 Swapping sites when nothing is available

 Switching linked masters on split reservations

 Viewing checked-out reservations on the Rack

 Viewing the full credit card number

 Tracking E-mail confirmations sent

 Updating a Customer's Rig Size

 Using a "Pencil-In" feature

 Zip code lookup instead of typing city and state


Transactions & Point of Sale

 7th day free (how to handle it)

 Adding a "Print CC Slip" button to Transactions

 Adding charges when a reservations is made

 Adding E-mail and phone information to receipts

 Adding first names to transaction reports

 Adding notes to the Ticket Form receipt

 Adding printed memos to Auto-Rates

 Allowing clerks to refund partial stays

 Are credit card details secure?

 Are you using right-click effectively?

 Avoiding tax on certain fees

 Avoiding $0 charges for add-on rates

 Auto-printing POS receipts only for credit card sales

 Back-dating transactions

 Cash drawer - opening without printing a receipt

 Cashing a customer's check

 Changing the price of an item at check-out

 Charges don't stay in when doing a confirmation

 Cleaning up cancelled reservation charges

 Clerk Can Cancel a Completed Sale

 Credit Cards, Adding 3% Surcharge

 Credit Cards - allowing duplicate charges

 Credit Cards - avoiding duplicate charges

 Credit Cards, Changing the credit card in Guarantee Info

 Credit Cards - correcting processed credit card payments

 Credit cards -- EMV / "chip" credit card support

 Credit Cards - entering credit card information without a payment

 Credit Cards - entering credit card payments without processing

 Credit Cards, Entering CVC code for Guarantees

 Credit Cards - entering security codes (CVV2 or CVC)

 Credit Cards - IC Verify version 4.0.4 issues

 Credit Cards, It's not changing the customer's credit card

 Credit Cards - New card in Guarantee not being used

 Credit cards - numbers shown after 4.3.8 installed

 Credit Cards - partial refunds to a credit card

 Credit cards, PCI compliance

 Credit Cards - PCI compliance changes

 Credit Cards, PCI compliance checklist

 Credit Cards - printing the credit card number on receipts

 Credit Cards - processing time-outs

 Credit Cards - quicker credit card payment entry

 Credit Cards - Refund getting "cannot exceed sales cap" error

 Credit Cards - Retrieving previous credit card information

 Credit Cards, TLS 1.1 / 1.2 Support

 Credit Cards - viewing manually entered credit card information

 Credit card "swiped" vs "non-swiped" fees

 EMV / "Chip" credit card support

 Deleting Expense and Misc Income transactions

 Deleting POS Inventory Items

 Deposits for keys or security, how to handle

 Disabling the credit card information

 Discounts not adjusting taxes

 E-mailing receipts

 Electric readings - Entering old readings

 Entering "Paid Out" transactions

 Entering payments of two different types

 Entering split payments (2 different payment methods)

 Finding outstanding Security Deposits

 Fixing an electric meter reading

 Fixing the order of transactions

 Handling a returned (bounced) check

 Handling Gift Certificates

 How to keep from entering Customer Transactions

 Keeping deposits or extra payments for next year

 Linked reservations, Getting to transactions

 Merchandise sales, adding to the reservation bill

 Misc. Income not on Shift Reports

 Miscellaneous receipts (e.g. Laundry machines)

 Miscellaneous refunds from the cash drawer

 Meter readings - correcting or backing up the reading

 Negative totals (why?)

 Optimization for busy POS environments

 POS Sales, on-account

 POS Sales for items without bar codes

 POS Sales for variable amounts (e.g. fuel)

 POS Sales Entry - Items not showing up when scanned

 POS Sales, adding to reservations

 POS Sales, Limiting a workstation to Point of Sale use

 Pre-dating transactions and previous customer balances

 Rates for monthly add-on charges

 Removing information from receipts

 Reconciling old Reservation balances

 Resolving customer balances not matching reservation balances

 Seeing/adding auto-charges for all future reservations

 Shortcut for clicking "Done"

 Showing all transactions by an operator

 Splitting a payment between payment methods

 Splitting deposits among group reservations

 Some taxes missing on Discounts

 Use map dates when making reservations

 Using a touch-screen monitor

 Viewing the full credit card number

 Viewing the notes entered for Misc. transactions

 Why can't I select "Propane"?


Reporting & Printing

 Adding a column to the Rack View

 Adding a custom "Thank You" message on receipts

 Adding a logo to your receipts

 Adding a "Print CC Slip" button to Transactions

 Adding fields to the Payments Due tab view

 Adding first names to transaction reports

 Adding # of Nights to the On Site tab view

 Adding printed memos to Auto-Rates

 Advanced site selection in tab views

 Auto-printing POS receipts only for credit card sales

 Available Sites -- Printing a list of available sites

 "Balance" report showing strange dates

 Batch E-mail -- saving the filter

 Cancelled reservations, finding and listing

 Changing the access level for printing tab views

 Color-coding the Sites on the Rack

 Confirmation letter, Hiding the site number

 Confirmation letter, Different text for each site

 Finding outstanding Security Deposits

 Getting a history report for a site

 Getting an E-mail list of people checked in

 Hiding the site number on confirmations

 Housekeeping report with customer names

 Mailing list for last season's campers

 Misc. Income not on Shift Reports

 Monthly sales reporting for POS (or overall)

 "No Site" cells on the Rack

 Occupancy and similar reports -Showing all 0's (how to fix)

 Payments Due, finding out when Monthlies are due to pay

 Printing a report with readable text (text too small)

 Printing in Landscape Orientation

 Printing labels in Last Name order

 Printing only some transactions

 Printing single labels on a Dymo label printer

 Rack view - how to print only part of it

 Rack view - Speeding up

 Rack view - Why are checked-out reservations being removed?

 Rate codes on transaction reports?

 Receipt printer cutting off the end (not scrolling up)

 Receipt printer too slow

 Receipt transactions overwriting bottom text

 Receipts, Importing a 2-up Ticket Form

 Receipts, printing for all arrivals (e.g. Window Tags)

 Receipts, changing the Check-In and Check-Out times

 Receipts, changing "Receipt #" on invoices

 Receipts, Fixing transaction overlaps

 Receipts, Moving receipt headings for window envelopes

 Receipts, printing the credit card number on receipts

 Receipts, Printing invoices for today's check-outs

 Receipts, Removing site number from confirmations

 Receipts, showing the year

 Receipts by Category report adjustments

 Receipts by Category report changing values for previous dates

 Receipts with running totals

 Removing information from receipts

 Removing unused receipt formats

 Reporting all advance deposits

 Reporting all advanced deposits for future reservations

 Reporting all reservations for the season

 Reporting annual receipts

 Reporting average nights stayed

 Reporting balances as of a certain date

 Reporting by Rate type

 Reporting by Rate

 Reporting customers with credits

 Reporting daily receipts

 Reporting each reservation's rate & balance

 Reporting Occupancy by # of campers

 Reporting people with deposits due

 Reporting POS sales separate from rentals

 Reporting Receipts by Discount Used

 Reporting reservations made during a period this year vs last year

 Reporting reservations made each day

 Reporting reservations staying less than full month

 Reporting revenue for each site

 Reporting Site Income Per Day

 Reporting taxable sales

 Reporting the amount of taxable sales and tax collected

 Reporting the amount received for each site

 Reporting the average daily rate

 Reporting the number of reservations made

 Reporting the number of people in the park

 Report the number of reservations last year

 Reporting Unmatched Security Deposits

 Reports, changing font (text) size

 Reports, pages missing on a report

 Reports, why negative totals on transactions reports

 Showing all customers with a balance due

 Showing all transactions by an operator

 Showing detailed transaction amounts for reports

 Showing longer names on the Rack

 Showing more dates in the Rack

 Showing upcoming payments due

 Sorting Waiting Lists by Date Added

 Split reservation receipts, showing the wrong site

 Ticket Form receipts, 2-up

 Ticket Form receipts, cutting off notice or signature line

 Ticket Form receipts, changing the Additional Notes

 Tracking E-mail confirmations sent

 Transaction Categories for Taxes

 Transactions tab view, Getting back to the detail

 Unassigned reservations -- sorting by date made

 Use a 3" receipt printer for small receipts

 Viewing checked-out reservations on the Rack

 Viewing past electric meter readings        

 Work Order Printable Form



System & Hardware

 A possible new option for Mac users

 Alt-key underlined characters not showing in Windows XP

 Automatic Backup each day to a new location

 Avoiding accidental program closure

 Showing underlined letters for hot-keys

 Backup files won't accept the date

 Campground Master for hand-helds

 Campground Master on your iPad, iPhone, or Android

 Cash drawers and pole displays, USB

 Copying Campground Master to another computer

 Database, setting the default database to open

 Deleting the Demo

 Do you have online backup?

 Error when restoring from floppies

 Firewall Configuration for Networking

 FTP issues with Windows upgrades

 GMail problem sending E-mails

 How good is your backup process?

 IC Verify issues -- read this if you use IC Verify for credit card processing!

 If Campground Master won't start

 Keeping Campground Master from running on startup

 Keeping it from logging off every 15 minutes

 Making the text larger on the screen

 Merchant Warehouse credit card processing

 Moving the database to "Public Documents"

 Networking - Changing network "Master" computers

 Networking - How to set up a static IP address

 Networking errors caused by WinSock problems

 Networking - Full network re-synchronization

 Networking issues, conflicts with security software

 Networking optimization tips

 Networking - Port Forwarding help

 Networking, Resolving "Workstation already in use" network errors

 Networking - Solving network synchronization troubles

 Networking through a dynamic internet IP address

 Networking, Top 5 Networking Errors

 Networking, Using a workstation offline for extended periods

 Opening an old backup for review

 Optimization for busy POS environments

 PCI compliance checklist

 Pole displays and cash drawers, USB

 Port Forwarding help

 POS, Cleaning up POS inventory On-Hand values

 Printer recommendations

 Printers - Installing a new printer

 Printing single labels on a Dymo label printer

 Re-using a CD-RW for backup

 Recommended security software (firewall, anti-virus, etc.)

 Recovering from a corrupt/missing database

 Restoring from an old backup on purpose

 "Save" button is always greyed out

 Solving backup "temporary file" errors, XP

 Solving backup "temporary file" errors, Vista

 Synchronize your Time Zones

 Use a 3" receipt printer for small receipts

 Using a network client offline for extended periods

 Using a touch-screen monitor

 Using a Zip drive for backup

 Using Purge to shrink the database

 Using the demo to train people

 "Virtual Memory Too Low" message

 Windows 8 support

 Windows 8/10 - Cash Drawer issues

 Windows 10 - Avoid the auto-upgrade!

 Windows 10 - Printer issues

 Windows Vista Compatibility

 Yahoo problem sending E-mail



 Are credit card details secure?

 Are you using right-click effectively?

 Bar code printing software for $49

 Beware of credit card company claims

 Campground Master on your iPad, iPhone, or Android

 Computer Tech Support Services

 Credit card "swiped" vs "non-swiped" fees

 Internet Explorer Auto-complete Security

 Is your park Satellite Friendly?

 Making the text larger on the screen

 New Diner's Club / MasterCard rules

 RV Park Reviews -- See what others think

 See your park from space (Google satellite mapping)

 Software for E-mailing to your Customer List

 Some tips when calling for support

 Support -- available on weekends?

 Support Updates / Daylight Savings Time - or not!

 The Newbie Club

 Tips of the Day - leave them on!

 Web site creation services

 Yogi Jellystone Parks forced to change reservation systems





Page URL

Campground Master Home